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In the well-known fairy tale about Rumpelstiltskin, discovering his name means being free of his threats. 1. Seek the source. d) to gain co-consciousness with the host, or integrate with the host and with the core (which is usually a young part of the host that the individual has managed to hide from the abusers). If delta state is being induced, only the electrodes needed to pick up delta waves will be placed, for example. The objectives of program removal are to: 1. Using a negative word helps set the stage for avoiding a miserable situation. Dr. Louis J. When were triggered, we lose our objectivity. Because of Camerons extensive experience and credentials, the ClAs Allen Dulles funneled millions of dollars throughout organizations like the society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, which Cameron ruthlessly presided over. Let you know how they work! I Read more sissy mais, I thought that it would be an interesting experiment to observe what effect that repeated listening to forever Beta would have on me, if any. This is often done with Beta alters or Beta models to get them to think that the pain of sadistic rape is a pleasure. Mengele honed this to a fine art with concentration camp victims, while records were made of how fast blood drained from a child or adults stomach when they were dunked upside down into a tank of ice-cold water. Walter H. Bowart, Operation Mind Control, Flatland Editions, 1994, p. 216 They can also stimulate joy or happy memories, like when we smell a flower that reminds us of a place we love or see a photograph of an event where we felt happy. Sugar & proteins are severely limited, so that the brain is starved into submission. You dont Thats a powerful way to get people to interact with your brand. 10. Reproduced on a previous page is Bos own presidential campaign literature where he states that he is Intelligence Officer & Reconnaissance Chief, Delta Force. He is also Chief, Special Activities, U.S. Army General Staff, the Pentagon and Principle Agent, National Security Council, Intelligence Support Activity. By associating a trigger with your climaxes, you can train yourself to cum on command, without even touching yourself. 1. And of all them, I can say that Mistress Amethyst is the best. The anger and sadness are connected to being triggered. Armed Forces Others. The new system created will record delta waves on an EEG if done correctly. masks Remove all injunctions and implants (structures, humanoids, hostile spiritual controls). Ive been having trouble sleeping and believe its related to some of my anger. Jones, whose birth name is Jessica Wilcox, apparently fit the physiological profile as to be one of the initial experiments or human guinea pigs under the governments scientific project, MKULTRA. Your email address will not be published. I am truly in awe of Mistress Amethysts power over me, and grateful that Hers is the web I have fallen into. It involves horrific abuse involving sexual trauma, hypnotism, drugs, and electroshock, which very few victims remember. Utah That can mean purchasing a product, clicking a link, or sharing an email address. If a particular trauma trigger is creating unmanageable stress, seek professional help. Some of the first programming themes included the Wizard of Oz and Alice and Wonderland, both heavily saturated with occultic symbolism. hour glasses When you start with an affirmative word, youre building a relationship with feel-good emotions. Most important, when we make our reaction all about other people, it leaves us powerless, because we cant change them. Then the bent spread legs are flapped, while the victim is specifically told she is a Monarch butterfly. The Montauk Project and Camp Hero Today Sexual abuse of a child is more powerful when it is put into the context of demonic magic. Our attitude of yes toward that fact goes a long way toward reducing the power that triggers have over us and regaining our ability to be consciously, calmly ourselves. Stockholm Syndrome: Terror (abuser harms victim or threatens victim and his/her family with violence), plus isolation from prior support, often combined with lies of family abandonment, lead to dependence on abuser(s), and perceived loyalty to the abuser. John DeCamp, The Franklin Cover-Up, Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska, AWT Inc, 1992 A trigger can Take a breather. The trigger word how tells your reader that youre about to teach them something. flowers Hypnosis is easier when a brain is tired. deliberately constructing specific triggers and keys for base programming of highly-impressionable MONARCH children. Trigger words & symbols of MK Ultra Jewel Programming Your body experiences an automatic change in heart rate, breathing, pulse, brain synapses. The key is to find the one that works best for you. 65 Trigger Words and Phrases for Powerful Content - Copyblogger Georgia How do they work? The victim/survivor is called a slave by the programmer/handler, who in turn is perceived as master or god. About 75% are female, since they possess a higher tolerance for pain and tend to dissociate easier than males. Want conveys a sense of indulgence and desire, far different from need, which conveys desperation and necessity. (For a four-step process to help cope with trauma, visit How to Deal With Traumatic Memories.). It is reported these are used in conjunction with highly-advanced computers and sophisticated satellite tracking systems. 2. Blue or Gog. He apparently has two sons who have carried on the trade. For example: One man who is being looked up to by many American Patriots and Christian Patriots as the leader to help them oppose the New World Order is Bo Gritz. It was about five years ago that I began exploring just what came after giving up control, and three years ago that I discovered Mistress Amethyst. Here are 26 more trigger words you may want to try, depending on your audience. Apathy has taken over the minds of the masses, who choose to exist within the comforts of this world. This article has made me so comfortable and taught me how to master my mind. When the mission is complete he will have no memory of it.The pre-hypnotic suggestion is also known as a \"trigger\". Self-View as an Accomplice or Evil: Abuser forces victim into double-binds that cause the victim to feel culpable. Stanford Research Institute The evidence of the existence of covert mind control has begun to surface in the legal arena as well (e.g., Orlikow v. U.S., 682 F.S. Nellis AFB The persons mind rearranges. Armed Forces Americas When a trigger accomplishes that nudge toward self-reflection, it can be a true boon. They may even fear being the only one who hasnt benefited yet. Consumers can provide basic information, like names and email addresses, and get something valuable for free. Many CTAs start with the word yes. It assumes that the consumer wants whatever youre selling or delivering. And when it comes time to utilize that word, it comes out as a command. A former labor attorney for Atlantic Richfield Co., David E. Rosenbaum, conducted a nine. Omicron: A Hypnotic Trigger. Free all personalities controlled by programming, so they may act of their own free will: Kansas Ft. Dietrick Even though the captives themselves were not able to explain it, they displayed a strange association with their captors, identifying with them while fearing those who sought to end their captivity. Perhaps you even feel the emotions of that hypothetical situation. 11. The handler may use a trigger word or trigger symbol, at which point the unwitting subject becomes a robotic slave, also known as an \"alter\", that is, an alter ego. Be careful using the word free in your email subject lines and avoid using too many capital letters. Cat alters may come out at this level. Code-named Malcolm, Aquino was reported to have developed training tapes on how to create a MONARCH slave and worked as a liaison between Government/Military Intelligence and various criminal organizations and occult groups in the distribution of MONARCH slaves.[16]. They were repeatedly subjected to identical stimulus-response sequence, to produce nearly automatic reactions to the particular status. A trigger word isnt exactly cash in hand, but its close. A division of light-side (good) and dark-side (bad) alters are interwoven in the mind and rotate on an axis. Today we have a variety of tools, including inner resources, to help us handle ours. Identifying the source of a trigger reaction a specific event or trauma is central to freeing ourselves from it. A kind adult comes into the room and engages the child in play. Maryland If you know a particular family member is a challenge for you, be on the lookout. You can also use the trigger word more when you want to reference another piece of copy. In highly sophisticated mind control, the individual is programmed to perceive inanimate structures in the unconscious inner landscape. You can use this tendency in your marketing copy. Installed program triggers, cues, and access codes allow the programmer easy access to programmed personalities and program structures to install or change commands, messages, and information, and to retrieve information, all out of victims conscious awareness. (1991). Batman Barbara G. Walker, The Womans Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects, Harper Collins, 1988 MKULTRA/DELTA materials were used for harassment, discrediting or disabling purposes.[8]. By submitting you agree to receive our monthly Knowledge Economy Newsletter as well as other promotional emails from Kajabi. In many cases, walls are also installed that serve as barriers to hide deeper levels of programming and structures. I believe it has more to do with the profit motive (contract mercenaries are very profitable) and achieving higher recognition within the Cult. Authority usually goes unchallenged, as their will has been usurped through subjective and command-oriented conditioning. But thats only one small example. The initial process begins with creating dissociation within the subject, usually occurring from the time of birth to about six years. Rochester, VT: Park Street Press. Non-biological twinning is yet another bizarre feature observed within MONARCH programming. Seek therapy. E. T. ancient symbols and letters (4) establish defensive means for preventing hostile control of agency personnel. The brain under such stress may flip its functions from right to left & vice-versa. Dr. Harris Isbel Connecticut This article was super informative. Wyoming You can capitalize on our human nature by using the word want. For instance, your customers might not realize that they want to know how to sleep more hours every night or learn to play the piano. It is a term coined by journalist Edward Hunter (1951) to describe thought reform programs and methods developed by the Chinese Communists after taking control of China in 1949. This is often necessary when programming young children who the outside world will see soon after their programming session. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional regarding any medical condition or treatment. Florida But they also allow us to look directly into the hidden world of who we are. These new faces by the way, look like the ones sold in so many stores. As one prospective renter after another chooses not to sublet his place, he starts to feel panicky and thinks, I still have no one. It also represents the highest reward in \"Jewel Programming\". Pennsylvania This programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions. 4: HYPNOSIS We become easy victims of our triggers when we believe that everyone else is able to control theirs. In some cases they later testified on behalf of or raised money for the legal defense of their captors. Reality has thus become obscured by relativism and selfishness. The CIA and Canadian government settled out of court so as not to be required to officially admit to any wrongdoing. When I accurately locate where a trigger comes from in myself, for instance, I notice that I can usually reduce its wallopsubstantially. This is primarily achieved through the use of electroshock (ECT) and is at times performed even when the child is in the mothers womb. At his stage the subject asks repeatedly, Where am I?, How did I get here?, What am I here for?. Breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation are two common strategies for reducing tension. District Of Columbia document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What Is a Trigger? | Trigger Origins | How Do I Deal With Triggers? You could use trigger words to evoke a sense of urgency, doubt, reassurance, and much more. This type of sensory deprivation is used to place in the posthypnotic commands to do something at some future date far into the future. There are an inordinate amount of alters in the victim/survivor with numerous back-up programs, mirrors and shadows. materials LSD being the most widely dispensed material, A special procedure, designated MKDELTA, was established to govern the use of MKULTRA abroad. Others used in this neurological nightmare are deemed as he expendable ones (non-bloodliners), usually coming from orphanages, foster care homes, or incestuous families with a long history of pedophilia. Where are you from, Miss Ruby Shoes?\" J.D. In most cases, skillful program removal greatly facilitates the psychotherapy process. Brainwashing describes . Some are adopted out to families of similar origin. President Kennedy's assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was in possession of this book. New Hampshire Those butterflies are cartel signaling. Kajabi will use your data to personalize and improve your Kajabi experience and to send you information about Kajabi. So, Delta programming is the primary programming for the Military Ruling Class. David L. Carrico, The Egyptian Masonic Satanic Connection, 1992 Other alleged master mind manipulators, past and present, are: Dr. Sydney Gottleib This torture is used essentially on all Monarch slaves. Wisconsin Remember that the purpose of hypnosis is to help you achieve a certain goal. Trigger words work because these make the user pay attention to what youre saying. The Angel of Death (remember Mengele?) This is especially important when your online audience has access to the information overload that is the Internet. The two that went by the color-coded name of Dr. Green are a Jewish doctor named Dr. Gruenbaum, who supposedly collaborated with the Nazis during WWII, and Dr. Josef Mengele, whose trademark of cold blooded and calculating brutality has not only scarred the souls of survivors from Auschwitz, but also a countless number of victims throughout the world. It suggests that something pivotal is just around the corner. Do anything that will help bring you back to the present moment. And we want to know what were doing wrong. Bo is their greatest counter-intelligence counter-terrorist they have. These could be particular people, words, places, or behaviors. Didnt work, none did. psychology The child is told that it left delta (which is good) and needs to go back in.. the process of indoctrination that occurred to some American prisoners of war during the Korean War (1950-1953). His blood lust caused him at one point during the Vietnam War to shoot 30 prisoners in cold blood. As upsetting and challenging as triggers can be, it can help to remember that they are one of the bodys ways of pointing us toward our own healing and wholeness. Well, while those scenes are usually exaggerated for comedic effect, thats basically what hypnotic triggers are, in theory. Then these inner voices can become tools to help usevolve. Mengeles direct involvement at the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp was suspiciously downplayed during the Nuremberg Trials, and consequently no intensified effort by the U.S. and its allies was directed toward his capture.[13].

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