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Recent Psychotic and/or Manic Symptoms, 10. Try to memorize at least one phone number of someone you can call any time. This tool was developed by Correctional Services in Manitoba and is used in all custodial facilities and corrections centres in the province. An Online Resource Library on Gender-Based Violence. WebDomestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior used in a relationship by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another. http://www.proactive-resolutions.com/ (date accessed: June 7, 2013.). Past Use of Weapons and/or Credible Threats of Death, 14. The Domestic and family violence common risk and safety framework (the CRASF) is part of the Queensland Governments commitment to a Queensland free from domestic and family violence (DFV) where people feel safe in their homes and where children can grow and develop in safe, secure environments. Are the perpetrators actions coloring the agencys assessment of the victim parents ability to care for the children? What clear guidelines, controls, and appropriate interventions have been established for the perpetrator in cases where supervised visitation is granted? The safety risk he poses to the victim parent and children? Are there newly discovered needs that must be addressed? Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC) Home Partnership Priority Areas Local Domestic Abuse Partnership Board Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC) What is a MARAC? It provides information and questions that assist in beginning the conversations around the issues of victim safety and engaging other community partners as required and appropriate. This tool is based on the New York State Department of Social Services safety assessment and risk management tools. http://www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/victimservices/training/docs/factors-to-consider.pdf (date accessed: October 22, 2013). POLICE DEPARTMENTS' USE OF THE LETHALITY ASSESSMENT PROGRAM: A QUASI-EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION, Jill Theresa Messing, Jacquelyn Campbell, Janet Sullivan Wilson, Sheryll Brown, Beverly Patchell and Christine Shall, July 2014. WebAdapted from: Broset Violence Checklist (R. Almvik & P. Woods, 2000) : Alert System risk Indicators (R. King et al., 2006) , Correlates of accuracy in the assessment of Psychiatric Inpatients risk of violence (D. McNeil & R. Binder, 1995) and Violence/Aggression Assessment Checklist (VAAC) PSHSA 2010. It is designed to assess the risk of future abuse in adult male offenders in addition to incorporating the evaluators professional judgment as part of the assessment. This can be accomplished by implementing processes and practices that are culturally appropriate, account for perpetrator manipulation, and monitor compliance. Checklist 4: Assessing the Influence of Day-to-Day Work Practices on Occurrences of Violence. Why have a MARAC? Safe Lives, Ending Domestic Abuse. FOR LEE COUNTY, SW FLA. Is the perpetrator given an opportunity to demonstrate a capacity to change and rebuild his relationship with the children? Crown attorneys are also informed of the risk assessment results and can take this information into account with respect to victim safety, when considering conditions of release. Is the court sending the message that the abusive behavior is that of the perpetrator, not the victim? Judges play a leadership role in ensuring that the court sends a consistent message that domestic violence will not be tolerated. A risk Dangerousness varies widely and may increase or decrease over time. Nearly 1 in 6 pregnant women in the U.S. have been abused by a partner.. Women who experience intimate partner violence prior to and during pregnancy are at increased risk of low maternal weight gains, infections, high blood pressure and are more likely to deliver pre-term or low birth weight babies.. Women who received prenatal Extreme Minimization or Denial of Spousal Assault History, 17. This project was supported by Grant Number 90EV0459 from the Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. If the victim parent and children are not safe, was the order modified? It is used in cases of domestic violence, if deemed appropriate. Teach positive alternative skills for nonabusive and responsible relationships? The Danger Assessment (DA) was originally developed by Co-Investigator Campbell (1986) with consultation and content validity support from battered women, shelter workers, law enforcement officials, and other clinical experts on battering. DOCCR VALIDATION OF TWO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE RISK INSTRUMENTS: Hennepin County Department of Community Corrections & Rehabilitation, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: WOMENS RISKS INCREASE AFTER BREAKUP, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOMICIDE RISK ASSESSMENT (DATA FROM U.S. DOJ SCALE), FOR LEE COUNTY, SW FLA. In Saskatchewan, provincial correctional centres, Probation Services and domestic violence caseworkers associated with domestic violence courts and police-based victim services programs use the ODARA. If the perpetrator is habitually noncompliant, the court should consider terminating the perpetrators parental rights if allowed under local law. To browse this site safely, be sure to regularly clear your browser history. Since its inception, a number of OPP members have successfully completed the program, as well as members from Durham, Peel and York Regional Police Services, and members of I-TRAC. The domestic violence, substance abuse, and mental health treatment providers need to provide information to the court on the severity of the problems and whether they preclude treatment. Identify the pattern of controlling behavior and attitudes by naming specific forms of abuse and beliefs that drove his behavior? Past Violation of No Contact Orders, 16. Emergency needs should be attended to first, ensuring physical safety until the next meeting with the service provider. Recognize the behavior as an intentional choice? Assessing DANGEROUSNESS IN MEN WHO ABUSE WOMEN, Lundy Bancroft. Does the perpetrator use the children as weapons against the victim parent? Was the violation in response to the perpetrator implicitly or explicitly threatening the victim parent or children? thE USE OF LETHALITY ASSESSMEnt IN DOMEStiC VIOLENCE CASES (abstract), Jill T. Messing and Jacqueline Campbell, Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly (volume 9 [1], pages 7-12], Summer 2016. If you need to exit the safety plan quickly, click on the "Escape" button at the top right of the page. Does the perpetrator understand the process? The Protocol has been part of the provincial VAWIR policy framework since December 2010. If the parents are separated, how has the perpetrator demonstrated that he can coparent without abuse and intimidation? Drouin, C., J. Lindsay, M. Dub, M. Trpanier & D. Blanchette (2012). The agency should not rely on one individual assessment, but instead should conduct a series of assessments. For more information on the ODARA, please refer to the following article: Click on the to see additional safety tips and other helpful information. Well email a private link to your safety plan to the following email address. When someone is experiencing domestic abuse, its vital to make an accurate and fast assessment of the danger Can the children safely return home if financial help, housing assistance, food assistance, transportation, child care, counseling, and access to legal services are immediately provided to the victim parent? How will the court determine if current visitation arrangements are causing harm to the children or victim parent? Reno, NV 89507 Does he threaten to harm the victims children? Visitation should not be allowed if the perpetrator has not acknowledged responsibility for his past harm to the children and for the childrens future safety or if the violence continues. Is the focus on the behaviors, attitudes, and responsibilities of the perpetrator rather than on shaming or blaming? The Framework was developed to help identify and reduce risk of death and increase safety for victims by providing support/safety planning for the victim and avoid duplication of services. You will be taken to https://www.google.com.au. Qualidade, agilidade, excelncia no atendimento, tica e honestidade. Close. Does the judicial process enhance the safety of the victim parent, the children, the agency workers, and all service providers? (2004). Voice 1 800 537-2238 | Fax 717 545-9456 | Online Contact Form. The CRASF is evidence-based and has been developed through a co-design process with key stakeholders across Queensland. The HCR-20 was developed by Christopher D.Webster, Ph.D., Kevin S. Douglas, LLB, Ph.D., Derek Eaves, M.D. The Family Violence Investigation Report was developed by the Family Violence Police Advisory Committee[12] in the province of Alberta. [14] Case management is not considered an area of assessment. Interviews with 20 adult social workers, 24 multi-agency risk and assessment conferences attendees, 14 adult service users at time T1 (including follow-up interviews after six months, T2), focus groups with independent domestic violence advocates and Womens Aid and an interview with a Womens Aid service user. Save this page to your device. P.O. These may be eased if the interventions are proving successful, the perpetrators behaviors are changing, and safety permits. Are the services provided by those knowledgeable about domestic violence? Accept the consequences of his own actions? If unsupervised visits are deemed safe, relatively short visits (generally not overnight) should be used until observable change has occurred. There are established protocols in the province of Manitoba with the aim to reduce risk to victims of spousal violence. Copyright 2006 Capital Gazette Communications, Inc. Top BIPs should focus on interrupting, avoiding, and ending violence and abuse and on the batterers capacity to change. This Young Peoples Checklist will allow WebIdentify risks to children from domestics violence & abuse which begins the risk assessment process; Judge when a case presents as in need off a safeguarding response or family support; Identifying appropriate interventions for to children, the non-abusing parent and the abusive father/ father figure. The protocol for highest risk cases is included in British Columbia's Violence Against Women in Relationships (VAWIR) policy, which sets out the roles and responsibilities of service providers across the justice and child welfare systems that respond to domestic violence. LETHALITY ASSESSMENT TOOLS: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS, Neil Websdale, National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women, Harrisburg, PA: February 2000. It could make agencies especially vulnerable if the tool has been implemented without accredited training or support for staff. Copyright 2005 Sage. It can include assault, destruction of property, isolation, and acts or threats of abuse against the victim parent, children, and pets. For more information on this tool, please refer to the following web site. Has a restraining order been considered to remove the perpetrator so the children may stay in the family home? What methods has he used to respond to conflict and disagreement in a reasonable way? Copyright 2010 American Judicature Society. He was under an order of the court to remain away from her. Structure, limits, and predictability for the children? WebThe Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide (SARA), a set of structured professional guidelines for assessing risk of spousal violence, has been used for many years by criminal justice professionals, including police. It was piloted in 14 sites across Alberta between January 2007 and May 2007. Other factors known to be associated with homicide (such as homicidal fantasies, precipitating events and protective factors) are systematically explored. The extent to which court proceedings are being used by the perpetrator to extend his power and control? Drouin, C., J. Drolet, G. Rondeau, M. Dub, J. Lindsay, & S. Therrien (2004). Is there an understanding of both the positive and negative aspects of the culture, including the perpetrators positive traditions and positive role models of fatherhood? Terminate services for failure to comply or continued use of violence? Many domestic homicides and serious case reviews showed: Training It is currently undergoing revisions to ensure that it remains accurate and relevant. Lack of a criminal record or police involvement does not mean the perpetrator is not dangerous. A brief actuarial assessment for the prediction of wife assault recidivism: The Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment. Version 1 of the CRASF was developed by Australias National Research Organisation for Womens Safety (ANROWS) in 2017. Does the perpetrator undermine the victim parents parenting? If yes, see the Treatment section of this Accountability Checklist. These same patterns of coercive control are often evident in the perpetrators behaviors with child protection and supervised visitation personnel. The resource is divided into five major sections: relationship factors (including status of relationship and child-related concerns); abuser factors (including violence in the current relationship, abuser history and weapons/firearms); victim safety factors; system factors and other considerations (if applicable). The 19-item report form was created to assist police departments in the province of Alberta in a number of areas: gathering critical information within 12 hours of the incident, assisting in the writing of a police report, planning victim safety and raising awareness of front-line officers on risks associated with suspect history, complainants perception of personal safety and future violence and information on relationship background. As such, they should be fluid and ongoing to provide a more complete picture. Save this page to your device. Open the browser option menu by tapping the top right menu icon and tap on Add to homescreen. The SARA is used by criminal justice personnel in a number of areas across the country, including: Newfoundland and Labrador (Correctional Services), New Brunswick (Correctional and Probation Services), Ontario (police), Alberta (police, RCMP, I-TRAC), British Columbia (Correctional Services, Domestic Violence and Criminal Harassment, Vancouver Police Department) and the Yukon (Correctional and Probation Services, RCMP). A ROADMAP TO RISK Assessment: MAINE'S USE OF THE ONTARIO DOMESTIC ASSAULT RISK ASSESSMENT TOOL, eNews, Battered Women's Justice Project, Minneapolis, MN: July 2014. http://www.criviff.qc.ca/cms/liste_publications2.php?lang=en&menu=7&id=21. The tool is part of an online domestic violence safety planning course that has been offered since spring 2012. This tool measures risk factors in areas of criminal history, employment, family/marital, companions, alcohol/drug problems, emotional/personal and attitude/orientation. WebAccounting for Risk and Danger Practice Checklists: Coordinating Risk Assessment in Domestic Violence Cases Identifying and documenting risk factors for serious or lethal Findings The First Time, Right Time approach underpins the DASH, as these are some of the most dangerous cases where women and children are more likely to be killed. If the perpetrator is non-compliant, he should be confronted since non-compliance lowers the likelihood of his achieving non-violence. For information and to book e-mail laurarichardspa@gmail.com. It is used as a general risk and needs assessment tool to assist in predicting an offenders risk to re-offend. At the time of the murder/suicide, he had been charged with several offences against Arlene and was free on bail that prohibited him from having any contact with her. Has the court considered the violent context in which the victim parent must make decisions? The ODARA is currently being used by police departments in Ontario. It should be somewhere that your children can safely go by themselves. Material de tima qualidade! This way you can reach your friends and family even when you do not have your cell phone. Are the requirements in the plan based upon a careful and accurate assessment of the domestic violence in the home and the impact of the violence on the victim parent and children? Past Violation of Conditional Release or Community Supervision, 6. | Drouin, Dub and Lindsay in collaboration with Rondeau, the Service de police de la Ville de Montral and the Service de police de la Ville de Qubec (2009). Utiliza sempre a mais recente tecnologia em sua produo, a fim de oferecer sempre tecnologia de ponta aos seus clientes.. Temos uma vasta linha de produtos em PVC laminado e cordes personalizados (digital e silk screen), com alta tecnologiade produo e acabamento.Dispomos de diversos modelos desenvolvidos por ns, para escolha do cliente e equipe capacitada para ajustar e produzir os layouts enviados pelo cliente.Estamos sempre atualizando nossos equipamentos e programas para produzir e entregar com mxima confiana e qualidade.Atendimento especializado, com conhecimento e capacitao para suprir a necessidade especfica de cada cliente.Realizamos a captura de imagens em sua empresa, com estdio moderno, porttil, e equipamentos de ponta.Uma das entregas mais rpidas do mercado, com equipe comprometida e servio de entrega de confiana, garantindoque receber seu produto corretamente. The State of Queensland (Department of Justice and Attorney-General) 20102023, Department of Justice and Attorney-General. A thorough needs assessment involves information gathering on the current status and emergency, and short-term and long-term needs for. Police services throughout Ontario have been provided with this investigative checklist which includes a list of 19 risk factors, to be administered by front-line investigating officers in domestic violence cases. The form was designed as an investigative/case management tool. The pattern of behaviors is neither impulsive nor out of control, but is purposeful and instrumental in order to gain compliance or control. Confidentiality Last Updated: 16 Jan 2023 11:18 AM Does each item in the plan have a positive effect on the safety of the victim parent and children? Checklist 1: Organizational Assessment Questions Regarding Management Commitment and Employee Involvement. DASH is a lifeline to victims. WebThe Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide (SARA) can help determine the degree to which an individual poses a domestic violence threat to his/her partner, children, another family member, or another person involved. In some cases, substance abuse or mental health treatment may be appropriate if completed concurrently with a BIP.6. This checklist is a form completed by the investigating officer and is reviewed by the police supervisor. If the court finds that a parent is a perpetrator of domestic violence, ordering supervised visitation or no contact with the perpetrator should be considered. Family or couples therapy are demonstrated to be ineffective and may jeopardize the safety of the victim parent. It is free and available to the public. Gather information needed to enhance decision-making on accountability issues; Assess the risk posed by perpetrators to lessen perpetrator-generated safety threats to children and victim parents; Review and tailor service plans to hold perpetrators accountable in ways that promote safety and compliance with orders; Evaluate treatment options to enhance perpetrators capacity to change; Strengthen judicial decision-making about placement and visitation of children to increase the safety of children and victim parents; and Craft judicial policies and practices that promote the accountability of perpetrators and the safety of victim parents and children. WebThe Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour Based Violence (DASH 2009-2022) Risk Identification, Assessment and Management Model was implemented across all police The Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide (SARA) was developed by P. Randall Kropp, Ph.D., Stephen D. Hart, Ph.D., Christopher D. Webster, Ph.D. and Derek Eaves, M.D.This tool consists of a 20-item checklist covering criminal history, psychological functioning, and current social adjustment. The New Brunswick Risk Management System contains nine key components including: nine (9) risk decision points, criteria to guide each decision, documentation of each decision, an immediate safety assessment and safety plan, a comprehensive risk assessment tool in addition to a service plan connected to the risk assessment. A sense that the children are not responsible for the violence? Information sharing also occurs where there is a need to coordinate an intervention plan. It is used in New Brunswick by Probation Services and provincial institution staff, and Correctional Services in Nunavut is currently reviewing this tool for future use. If there are concurrent court proceedings, the court must ensure that the orders do not conflict. This intervention guide is the result of a joint project between the CRI-VIFF and the Association cur d'homme - Rseau d'aide aux hommes pour une socit sans violence. The CRASF includes a series of risk assessment and safety planning tools to help keep victim-survivors and their children safe. The free Danger Assessment helps determine the level of danger an abused person has of being killed He had also been charged with criminal harassment after stalking her following their separation. Were court sessions and agency services offered in the perpetrators primary language? Judges need information and tools to both guide them in holding perpetrators of domestic violence accountable for their abusive behavior and to ensure that efforts to reach perpetrators1 do not cause unintended consequences or further harm to victims of domestic violence and their children. Safety considerations are an important follow-up to the FVIR, which may identify specific areas of risk for the victim. Curitiba-PR. Assessing Dangerousness in Box 8970 Confidential waivers and permission to obtain available information? Behavioural Science Section, in response to the May-Iles Inquest.[11]. With Domestic Violence, Screening Can Save Lives, Janis M. Harvey, The Capital, Annapolis, MD: August 27, 2006. In instances where a case is deemed high risk, community support surveillance officers are assigned to closely monitor the individual. Copyright 2009 News-Press. Psychotherapy, anger management, and mental health or substance abuse treatments are not acceptable substitutes for a BIP. The FVIR has been a mandatory report for all police services within Alberta since November, 2008. http://www.mhs.com/product.aspx?gr=saf&prod=ls-cmi&id=overview (date accessed: June 7, 2013.). NOTE: The ICI Domestic Violence Investigators course has been addressing lethality factors for many years. The High Risk Case Coordination Protocol Framework is a joint provincial protocol of the Nova Scotia Departments of Justice, Community Services and Public Prosecution Service. [12] The Public Security Division of Alberta Solicitor General chairs the committee which is comprised of officials from the municipal police services, the RCMP, First Nations Police Service, the Alberta Council of Womens Shelters, Children and Youth Services, and the Criminal Justice Division of Alberta Justice. Violence Risk Assessment Tools Risk assessment tools provide a standard against which to evaluate individuals for potential violence, enabling all healthcare If it is not safe for you to enter information into the computer, you can still read through the safety plan and think about your answers to the questions. Has the perpetrators family been assessed for domestic violence? The degree to which the perpetrator has used the children as instruments of abuse? Are the lawyers appearing in court aware of and giving consideration to the growing body of knowledge on domestic violence? Actively participate in the initiative 8. The Danger Assessment is available in a variety of languages. The Domestic Violence Supplementary Report Form (DVSRF) was created by the Ministry of the Solicitor General and the Ontario Provincial Police (O.P.P.) Novo Mundo WebThe Danger Assessment helps to determine the level of danger an abused woman has of being killed by her intimate partner. Internet usage can be monitored and is impossible to erase completely. contato@perfectdesign.com.br, Rua Alberto Stenzowski, 62 The second tool is a risk-management tool and consists of a set of strategies to manage risk depending on the level of danger present. It comprises 20 risk factors that reflect various aspects of criminal history, social functioning, and mental health. Educational classes on how violence affects children, and steps to remedy the effects and heal the relationships with the children? Address the impact of the perpetrators violence on the children and victim parent? Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Blog Post: Centering Health Equity for SAAM & Black Maternal Health Week, Mana Mauli Ola N Whine: The Strength of the Breath of Life/ Power of Healing Women Live Series, International Advocacy to End the MMIW Crisis - National MMIW Week of Action, Alliance of Tribal Coalitions to End Violence Webinar - National Week of Action for MMIW, Community Organizing / Mobilization / Engagement, FGM / Honor Killings / Forced Marriage / Acid Attacks. WebOn completion of training, professionals will be able to: identify high risk cases of domestic abuse, stalking and honour based violence identify dangerous and serial perpetrators decide which cases should be referred to MARAC and what other support might be required The Department of Social Development, Child Protection Services of New Brunswick administers a tool entitled the Risk Management System which includes a domestic violence component. Happy New Year Lovely People! You know your situation better than anyone else; trust your judgment and weigh your options before taking any steps. Please ensure you are trained and accredited to use the DASH Risk Model. Is the focus on the safety of the victim parent and children? This will help us find resources in your community. Does each party, the perpetrator, the victim parent, and the children have their own service plan? If you are interested in attending a face-to-face, interactive training session to learn more about the revised CRASF, please visit Eventbrite to find a suitable session and register to secure your attendance. Below are the 16 questions contained in the "Domestic Violence Risk Assessment" checklist: 1. It may be used by a variety of professionals including: law enforcement professionals, correctional officers and government agencies. Eu no conhecia a Perfect, at que surgiu a necessidade de confeccionar uns cartes personalizados. Click the red X in the upper-right corner or Escape button on your keyboard twice at any time to leave TheHotline.org immediately. Change is not synonymous with attending or completing a batterer intervention program (BIP). Copyright 2014 CBS Interactive. Does the perpetrator experience respectful treatment in court? The12 questionscan be asked in allstalkingcases. This is called the, There are also further screeningquestions on. The committee oversees the Victims of Family Violence Act[10] and coordinates police training related to family violence. Copyright 1997-2006 The Advertiser Co. (2005); Fernando Mederos, Family Violence Prevention Fund, Accountability and Connection with Abusive Men (2004). For example, your gender identity, your HIV status, or a disability. Provide language in its report that affirms the perpetrators role in harming the children and avoids blaming the victim parent? You will not receive a reply. Courts should share information with other courts and utilize review hearings to promote accountability. The LSI-R, developed by Don Andrews, Ph.D. and James Bonta, Ph.D., is an assessment and screening tool for all offenders and is not specific to spousal violence offenders. The Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) was the result of collaborative efforts between the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care based in Penetanguishene, Ontario. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: WOMENS RISKS INCREASE AFTER BREAKUP, Kirsten J. Barnes, Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, AL: May 9, 2006. (abstract), Jill T. Messing and Jacqueline Campbell, 16 QUESTIONS USED TO ID DOMESTIC ABUSE VICTIMS LIKELY TO BE KILLED, ACCOUNTING FOR RISK AND DANGER PRACTICE CHECKLISTS: COORDINATING RISK ASSESSMENT IN DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CASES, Assessing DANGEROUSNESS IN MEN WHO ABUSE WOMEN, Assessing the Readiness of Your COORDINATED COMMUNITY RESPONSE for Formal Risk or Danger Assessment, ASSESSING THE RISK OF INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE, Crime Victims' Institute, Criminal Justice Center, Sam Houston State University, COMMENTARY ON WEBSDALE ~ LETHALITY ASSESSMENT APPROACHES: REFLECTIONS ON THEIR USE AND WAYS FORWARD, Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly. Monitoring framework and procedures Evaluation and follow-up phase 10. Assessments are snapshots in time. As soon as there is a risk, the guide recommends a more comprehensive assessment. document.write('

Last site update: ' + document.lastModified + '

'); Preventing Domestic Homicide of Women: An Intervention Guide. 16 QUESTIONS USED TO ID DOMESTIC ABUSE VICTIMS LIKELY TO BE KILLED, CBS News, October 31, 2014. Culturally appropriate food. Does the service plan for the victim parent avoid provisions or directives that only the perpetrator can be responsible for or held accountable for ensuring? Training is crucial to understanding the DASH Risk Model. Checklist 3: Identifying Environmental Risk Factors for Violence. Information regarding the accused, available evidence and notification of victim services is included in the form. The risk assessment should take into Invite others to join in 9. Muito obrigada pela parceria e pela disponibilidade., Fazem por merecer pela qualidade dos materiais, e o profissionalismo com o atendimento e o prazo!

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