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I think Nepal earthquake happened a week after April Lunar eclipse. So, a big transit. Friday, finally, we see the separation really pulling away. And we'll be back tomorrow for the sun moving into an opposition with Jupiter. The aspects tomorrow 10th of November are contradictory, first Mercury conjunction Mars called (the lawyers aspect) a good time to open a legal action , after that there will be squares from Saturn and Pluto, how can a lawyer do his job with all this mess from Pluto and Saturn? Please enter a valid email address. retro hello. I have a good strategy. Through cutting and piecing things together, taking things apart. Lets dive into the meaning of Mercury conjunct Mars in the natal chart! Well, no, because undeserved calamities happen to innocent people, because people can go and think and think about and desire things that they don't deserve. October 29, 2023 Ill tell you Accept apologies but banish attempts to resuscitate relationships. And it is something that eventually goes from a sort of philosophical treatise about the, you know, nature of reality and different different kinds of insights about different kinds of seasons and experiences in life. So if you remember earlier in the summer, we went through a long Mercury Retrograde. Wolfgang Borchert 004, Louis I of Spain 004, Richard Nixon 015, Mariano Fortuny 017, Titus Salt 021, Alex Haley 030, Iggy Pop 035, Bret Easton Ellis 035, Pauline Collins 036, David Berkowitz 042, Mike Pompeo 047, Barbara Walters 048, Emile Zola 049, Samuel Adams 052, Mata Hari 053, Ted Kennedy 058, Orlando Bloom 100, Anne, Queen of Great Britain 107, Lindsay Wagner 121, Depak Chopra 123, Meryl Streep 127, Billy Bean 133, Justin Bieber 135, James Woods 135, Antonio Salieri 140, Salvador Dali 142, Rosie ODonnell 144, Elizabeth Barrett Browning 144, Billie Holiday 149, Roy Orbison 152. It governs thinking ability, logical and analytical thinking. From calamity. So that's a nice meditation on the eaching today, hope you enjoyed it. Once again, thank you! How do we maintain innocence? Mercury Conjunct Mars in Synastry. If the Sun Sign is in Aries or Gemini, these people can come across as more bull-headed than they actually are. He has awesome fast thinking capacity. Now, when you put Mercury and Mars together, especially with such a well dignified Mercury, it's in its own home sign, it's also its exaltation. Mars wants to take action, preferably immediately. The planets in question do everything together. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. WebSo, as Mars is with Mercury-Venus, person can be putting efforts and actions in these fields. We are to love and serve one another and submit to one another. So let's get into some of those archetypal combinations. At any rate, so the first hexagram I got for today was number 25. Gain insight into your destiny, find harmony and elevate your consciousness with the help of a personal birth chart reading. So how do we stay innocent? Are we in? If you take my course you could learn more about that. Brad Pitt (Mercury conjunct Mars in Capricorn, 6 degrees orb). If something doesnt pique your interest, it is usually hard for you to focus on it. And you also have a god that was associated with highways and travel, and also currency and marketplaces. Amazing! August 17, 2021 By Adam Elenbaas Leave a Comment. The greatest risk presented by this conjunction lies in believing that feelings are facts that must be acted upon. This conjunction intensifies both your suspicion and your desire to vet. December 27, 2023 The exact aspect takes place on August 18th at twelve degrees. Mars and Mercury are bitter enemies in conjunction because Mercury needs to win through the intellect and Mars is too action-orientated to win a war of So you can check out the video I did yesterday, if you want to learn more about it, and learn a little bit more about the Gita. Scorpio is known for its And I could feel they're just they're going into fear. But it doesn't mean that, that you're doing that just to avoid calamity, like some people do that, like superstitiously. In astrology, it has an essential role. For entertainment purposes only I feel very calm & peaceful. These rarer conjunctions can represent glimpses of a This is a funny combination because I don't know if any of you guys have that combination of their Sun and Leo moon in Pisces. So here you can see that Mercury, Mercury and Mars are in the seventh house, and they're below the actual horizon line at the moment. It corresponds to the need to communicate. I'm considering Am I harming anyone? So at any rate, hexagram 25 basically says, If you act innocently, making step by step, careful, cautious progress, you will, you'll have success. If you have any insecurities, this aspect makes them be seen. So Mars can be related to things like chemistry or anything analytical that cuts and dissects things. Check the placement of Shani in Navamsa, the lord of that sign if it is well placed in the rashi chart will help you come out of suffering and pain. Advice: Get mad at something that matters. Like you can see mercury things sort of exploding like a company, God forbid, like a computer exploding, or I don't know some something where you're pairing like a subway car that derails or something like this, again, God forbid, but anything that's involving transit or travel, like a bicycle accident, or, or buying a new bicycle, or learning how to speed race or something like that, mercury, Mars. Your mind is very active. The Mercury/Mars conjunction is happening in alignment with the Sun. 150 inconjunct 0-Point Aries. Personally, I will tell you that three to four for my first daughter, and now for Summer both seem to be the most challenging. Kendras in Navamsa. and yes! 30 Apr 2023 09:36:08 And if there's anything that's related to both understanding how things work, but also the nature of chaos that is constantly taking things apart, or throwing things into question, or pulling things apart, and then putting putting them back together in a sense, that's mercury Mercury's got its associated with that's natural opposite in Zodiac is Jupiter, the mercury ruled signs are opposite the Jupiter ruled sign so Virgo opposite Pisces which is ruled by Jupiter, Gemini opposite Sagittarius also ruled by Jupiter. WebMoon-Mars-Mercury Conjunction. These attributes are ideal for making quick decisions in the heat of the moment while others hesitate. It is the co-ruler of Scorpio. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. An ex or two might be haunted by the memory of your sweetness, so much so that they take to haunting you. Mercury in 11th House for Virgo Ascendant. So I've been like organising and buying some organising things and like, you know, kind of kind of tweaking my diet and my exercise routine like I've noticed that those kinds of earthy practical activities are present right now they certainly you know, they come in like that. Submission also means lowering, letting down or sinking. Just because Mars & Mercury are both in the Sixth House, it doesn't by definition mean they're conjunct. There's like, this is something I learned from the Iosco world years ago, when I was drinking loads of ayahuasca. And that's part of my monastic life, you could say, it's funny in the yoga tradition. It can be amazing for entrepreneurship, law, public speaking, engineering. And you're always placing yourself below your adherence to those principles. Virgo falls in the seventh house. It's an analytical combination, which means that Mercury and Mars like to cut and dissect and to learn craft or skill or craftsmanship. Okay, good. This can be used for mental pursuits, lively conversations, or the activation of latent ideas. And this line is also saying like, you can't do it in a way that's superstitious because calamities happened to people who are innocent, that's a part of because other people, because in this cosmos, other people will try to take things that they don't deserve, or that isn't theirs, or that they're trying to do something, and it's an act of thievery, or whatever the case might be. WebMars in 11 th house for Virgo ascendant. 21st February is the date when this Triple Planetary Conjunction is taking place, and it will affect us mortal beings till 11th March 2021. Mars is in the sign of enemy when placed Getting your point across comes easily with this conjunction. One of the reasons that I circled this on my calendar at the beginning of the year when I was doing all of the transits for 2021 is that it's a very powerful Mercury. In essence, we're looking up and saying is this all right? So of course, it'll work. So that means that our Mercury Mars conjunction in Virgo, which has already been building for a few days, by the way, so anything we talked about today, you could have noticed, even over the weekend, this is going to perfect on Tuesday, the 17th, Wednesday, the 18th, Thursday, the 19th, even Friday, the 20th. It goes into eventually to be used as like a diviners, almost like biblio Mansi, you know, like flip a page in the Bible. That's actually the sign or symptom of someone who already has the mandate of heaven is that they're acting and behaving in that way. You have to be really careful because Mercury Mars can also be the sign of someone who's real smart and witty, and is planning something out that with a real look an ulterior motive, they can wear the garb of innocence because Virgo can often appear that way, hey, I'm just trying to be helpful here. I agree to have work done by a dentist who I do not like or trust, only because my boo begged me to. The resulting increase in self-awareness will enable you to moderate your approach when your fighting skills are not required. 37:38 So anyway, I use the I Ching. I don't even know what the right decision is a lot of the time. This conjunction accounts for a powerful way of self-expression. So there's these two very different teachings that are so interesting, when juxtaposed with one another. People with their natal Mercury conjunct Mars have a lot of energy. If you liked this article, maybe you want to save our site for later. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. So Mercury is a really dynamic planet. Mercury is at inferior conjunction with the Sun on May 1, and is therefore too close to the Sun to be viewed until about the middle of the month. In the case of this conjunction, the astrological context is perhaps even more important than usually. WebIf Mars and Mercury are within 10 degrees of each other, we say the planets are "in conjunction" or "are conjunct with each other". With communication and action on your side during this transit, let your mantra be Express, dont repress!. So there's six lines, and then they're broken into two sets of three lines each. Some groups or countries arent there yet. He's got an upcoming class on the Bhagavad Gita that I highly recommend checking out. As someone who is often confined to the maze of the mind, Geminis will find the powerful conjunction of Mercury and Mars offers the opportunity to channel lofty thoughts into strategic action. Okay, there it is. Saturn and Mars can influence each other basically in two ways. And when it's retrograding, of course, it's going to be falling back into the sun. The other thing that's so special about this is that Mercury is just appearing as the evening star right now. Doesn't have to be no one's perfect. This story has been shared 658,482 times. Mercury conjunct Mars August 17-19th (exact 18th) As both planets are in forward motion they travel together in the tropical sign of virgo. May 7: Venus enters Cancer. What we cling to is how we stay in an innocent and it has to be righteous, and then it has to be carried out with heartfelt submission. The 11th house corresponds with Aquarius. But let's give it a three degree range, you can see all the way through Saturday. We had to obviously get on the same page with how we're dealing with that they say it's terrible twos. Mars in aspect to Mercury suggests that you come up with witty answers very quickly, you enjoy verbal battles, and you can be argumentative. One of the signs of such a person is that they move cautiously, modestly, step by step toward a goal. You make for a great mate, Pisces. Mercury will transit on March 30, 2023, in the Aries sign. The key to managing this potent aspect is to control the impulsive and aggressive side of Mars. Is this Do I have is their virtue with me right now? Nonsense irritates you, and you are also impatient with people who are slower than you. Mercury rules two signs: Gemini and Virgo. May 19: On one hand, this gives great ambition, but if you live its lower octave, it can affect negatively your relationships. However, this direct means of communication can lead to arguments and hostility in more personal relationships and your social life. So you think of Mercury Mars, you think of persuasive speech, aggressive speech, but maybe one with a goal or a desire that you're trying to get something done or, or reach some kind of agreement using tactful strategy. 32:40 And it's like you know, one of the things about this particular combination of Mercury and Mars is earthy Virgo so a lot about getting clear, pure, clean results effective strategies for getting something done in a very practical earthy manner like your health or your body or the environment or organising something so I've been organising things in our bathrooms like I've been you know we moved in and then just kind of some bathrooms just kind of stuff just got thrown in. And this is also happening, let's remember that another transit, which we're going to be talking about tomorrow is happening, which is the sun in Leo moving into an opposition with Jupiter. You get mad quickly. So, there are some prescriptions that the eaching gives to us, that the thing that we need to cling to, has to be righteous, not like self righteous, but righteous as in it has to be good. Right? 25th June, My sun, mercury, jupiter, venus, rahu, saturn all are in 12th house of virgo ascendant. This placement suggests natural organizing ability. (Really good descrpition above, by the type of personality with Mars/Mercury conjunction in Cancer). And I have to say, cool, I get it, you know, I'm not as afraid as as you might be, or I'm not as worried or concerned, or whatever the right language might be, as you are right now, but really, thank you for caring about me, thank you for being concerned about me. The saints are male and female and the hierarchy in the church is meant to be service and not egoism with the Pope known as the servant of the servants. Action without thought is foolhardy, but progress without passion is destined to fail. So that's a little bit about Mercury. How do you How can you tell that it's the evening star? Thank you so much for this! The second hottest planet Mercury may help you to So when you think about submission, you're also just thinking about, like, in that situation where the person might be way more worried about my hip than they need to be. Sometimes I like to bring in the I Ching. .fl-form-field input,.fl-form-field input[type=text],.fl-form-field input[type=email] {height: auto;width: 100%;font-size: 16px;line-height: 1;padding: 12px 24px;border-radius: 4px;}.fl-form-field .hidden {border: 0;clip: rect(0 0 0 0);height: 1px;margin: -1px;overflow: hidden;padding: 0;position: absolute;width: 1px;}.fl-subscribe-form-inline .fl-form-field {float: left;margin: 0;padding-right: 10px;width: 33.33%;}.fl-subscribe-form-inline.fl-subscribe-form-name-hide .fl-form-field {width: 66.66%;}.fl-subscribe-form-inline .fl-form-button {float: left;width: 33.33%;}.fl-subscribe-form-inline .fl-form-recaptcha {clear: both;float: none;margin: 0;padding-top: 15px;width: auto;}.fl-terms-checkbox-wrap {display: inline-flex;vertical-align: middle;}.fl-form-field.fl-terms-checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {height: 23px !important;width: 23px;margin: 0px 10px 0 -2px;padding: 0!important;-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;-moz-box-sizing: border-box;box-sizing: border-box;}.fl-form-field.fl-terms-checkbox {width: 100%;}.fl-form-field.fl-terms-checkbox label {word-wrap: break-word;}.fl-form-field .fl-terms-checkbox-text {margin: 10px 0;}@media (max-width: 768px) { .fl-subscribe-form-inline .fl-form-field {float: none;margin: 0 0 15px;padding-right: 0;width: 100%;}.fl-subscribe-form-inline.fl-subscribe-form-name-hide .fl-form-field {width: 100%;}.fl-subscribe-form-inline .fl-form-button {float: none;width: 100%;}.fl-form-field.fl-terms-checkbox input[type=checkbox] {-webkit-margin-start: 5px;} }.fl-builder-content .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button,.fl-builder-content .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button:hover,.fl-builder-content .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button:visited {background: #e8af59;}.fl-builder-content .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button:hover {background-color: #333333;}.fl-builder-content .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button,.fl-builder-content .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button:visited,.fl-builder-content .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button *,.fl-builder-content .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button:visited * {color: #ffffff;}.fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 .fl-form-field input {font-family: "Alegreya Sans", sans-serif;font-weight: 700;font-size: 14px;letter-spacing: 1px;text-align: center;text-transform: uppercase;border-top-left-radius: 0px;border-top-right-radius: 0px;border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;}.fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button, .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button:visited, .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button *, .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button:visited * {color: #ffffff;}.fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 .fl-button-wrap {text-align: left;}.fl-builder-content .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button, .fl-builder-content .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button:visited {font-family: "Alegreya Sans", sans-serif;font-weight: 700;font-size: 14px;letter-spacing: 1px;text-align: center;text-transform: uppercase;border: 1px solid #dca34d;border-top-left-radius: 0px;border-top-right-radius: 0px;border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;}.fl-builder-content .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button:hover, .fl-builder-content .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 a.fl-button:focus {border: 1px solid #272727;border-top-left-radius: 0px;border-top-right-radius: 0px;border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;}.fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 .fl-form-success-message {display: none;} .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 > .fl-module-content {margin-top:30px;margin-bottom:50px;}@media (max-width: 768px) { .fl-node-5e5f01fc6e0b6 > .fl-module-content { margin-top:20px;margin-bottom:20px; } } So you can always tell if Mercury is out in front of the Sun in Zodiacal order. It's something that can keep you steady, so that you can walk through all these circumstances with that innocence intact, which is always going to lead to smooth progress. And it's always moving out into the evening sky, dying and going to the underworld coming up as the morning star, dying and going back through the underworld coming up as the evening star it retrogrades more often than any other planet. Well, hexagram 30, in juxtaposition to 25 tells us it all depends on what we claim to here's the picture of fire and what it clings to like wood or, you know, some kind of fuel. 3:52 It is in accidental dignity in the first house. The Sun represents our outer self the self that we show the world. So it's a pretty big week in terms of these two transits perfecting simultaneously and what that might mean So let's go ahead and talk about it have a bunch of notes for us today, some thoughts, gonna do a little deeper meditation on this combination. 8 jersey, astrologist warns, Jake Gyllenhaal's zodiac sign rules the 'Red' heartbreaker's romantic past, Emma Watson isn't crazy my Saturn return changed my life, Emma Watson's Saturn Return pushed star to 'burn things down': astrologer, Woman has 'loud, full body orgasm' in the middle of LA concert, $76K NJ boarding school admits falling 'tragically short' in protecting teen who killed self after bullying, 'rapist' taunts, Meghan Markle's ailing dad says he refuses 'to be buried by her' in 'final ever' interview, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson celebrate 35th wedding anniversary with sweet snap, Meghan Markles shady Kate Middleton blog post resurfaces before coronation, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidmans son, Connor, brings beard back in rare photo, Prince Harry's coronation role still a mystery as William's is revealed. Anyway, today, I decided to get back to something I haven't done for a while, some of you guys who've been watching my channel for probably over a year would know that. But it's not the same thing as saying that we need to be obsessive mentally about whether or not we're approved up or something like that. This hexagram is often about cultivating something with the right sense of timing. And you have to refer to it like a third party, if the, with your heart submit, and ask for help and be in alignment with it. So the quality of what we cling to in our lives is the quality of what keeps us righteous or innocent. However, this conjunction can also manifest as argumentative, belligerent personality traits. Yesterday, Mercury left its conjunction with Mars in Virgo, which blended the energies of mental wit and communication, and physical vitality and action. And the reason for being modest, careful, practical, step by step, trying to go with the Tao is not superstitiously, so that you'll be bulletproof. So I hope they help you too. Mars rules the first zodiac sign, Aries. Jamie, this Mercury/Mars opposition Pluto would also be squaring the last Lunar Eclipse degree around 14 Libra that occurred some time ago, would it not? Im Adam Elenbaas, an astrologer, author, and yoga instructor. And we will also sneak preview the sun's opposition with Jupiter, which I'll be doing a full video on tomorrow. Okay. Mars in the seventh house. So I asked for help regularly. You know, she's can be so strong and like bold. Thanks so much Jon for noticing the lunar eclipse connection. It is pure, raw energy. Mars is the planet of war. And that we we need something like this at the core of our lives as what is what fuels our ability to stay in careful modest balance with with harmony with the universe. We're not careful and modest and humble, because we think guarantees us some kind of bullet professed. So when with our heart, we reduce the move into humility, we lower ourselves and we refer to that principle at the core of our life, whether that's yoga or a spiritual path or a daily meditation practice or whatever it is that we we draw on for wisdom, and we keep coming back to that posture of heartfelt submission. 5:50 What beautiful teaching seriously like these, they completely blow my mind every time I read the I Ching and spend time with it, even though I'm always still grasping and trying to understand things that I don't some of the things that I'm able to take Anyway, these small nuggets, they really stay with me and they really helped me throughout the week and and so forth.

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