Have you got old jukeboxes returning little or no profit for you?
Why not upgrade them to the latest TouchHitsAV jukebox technology and begin earning great jukebox revenues again!
At TouchHits we offer a range of commercial software and hardware jukebox upgrade/conversion kits to maximize revenues from your current jukebox fleet.
Our brand new jukebox PC upgrade kit offers super fast performance packed into an extremely small and reliable PC, meaning it can be easily installed into just about any digital jukebox on the market including all models manufactured by Sound Leisure, NSM, TAB/Max Fire, Leisure Touch, Cubyte/Fatspanner and many, many more besides! So why not ditch your old, slow performing system and upgrade to the latest TouchHitsAV technology for a fraction of the cost of a new jukebox?!
If you require any information about our new upgrade kits and how to upgrade your existing jukebox/jukebox fleet, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll be happy to advise you.